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More about who I am

I’m Sarah Fast, Mom of 3, Best Selling Author, Podcast Host and Soul Business Mentor.

I’m obsessed with supporting you to flourish in life and build your dream brand through social media. I'll show you how to attract more sales and dream clients while also being an amazing mom, taking care of your body and having tons of fun along the way! 

Follow me on social media for free content and for my current offers.

Message me on social media OR email sarahfastcoaching@gmail.com to book a consult call to see if you’d be a great fit for my private mentorship.

Grab your copy of my latest Best Selling Book!

Don’t forget to review, share and tag me so I can send your free gift :)

Grab a copy of my first book, Awaken You

Awaken You will show you step-by-step how to:
•Shift out of fear & tap into the frequency of your desires so that you can flourish as you grow!
•Connect deeper into your intuition & lead your life from an awakened energy that doesn’t dissipate or leave you
feeling drained!
•Align your thoughts & emotions match the frequency of your dream life so that you can manifest it now !
•Master consistency in your actions towards your goals in a way that enlivens you, which will allow you to conquer any past patterns of self-sabotage once & for all!
•Be aware of more of the good things in your daily experiences so that showing up for what you want becomes who you are!

By the end of Awaken You, you’ll tap into a deeper knowing & trust of who you are & what you came here to do. You will feel awakened, unstoppable & ready to kick fear in the ass!

Subscribe + Listen to my Podcast

Do you ever feel crazy being a mom who thinks + lives outside the box? Who always has a higher calling to create, dream and grow more?

Ya, me too.

Inside this podcast you can expect episodes focused around motherhood, personal growth, healing, leadership, accountability, social media, business and whatever else flows through. All unfiltered + authentic.

Imperfect moms who flourish being their most multi-passionate, expressed self…

I created this podcast for US!

What people are saying…

I’m so happy I joined Sarah’s program because I had a massive shift learning how to lean in more without giving my power away. I also had my biggest month so thank you from the bottom of my heart, really.

Janine S.

Wow…Wow…Wow…I’ve had my eyes opened. Sarah explains everything so clearly & now I understand how my alignment works, my energy, my feelings with allowing things to happen without all the worrying, thank you so much.

Clare H.

I have been working with Sarah Fast on and off for over a year now and the transformation is real! Sarah has helped me realize what it is I truly want out of life, who I want to be, and how to embrace and embody my higher self.

When I started working with her, I had a vision for my business, but was totally not confident in my abilities. She has helped me step into my confidence! In fact, she helped me get my first round of clients! I can’t thank her enough and recently, I joined her Awaken You program.

She continues to amaze me with every program.

I have been able to learn from her on how to truly love and lead myself and step into my own personal power! Sarah is truly a gift to this world and touches every life she touches and transforms her clients.

Deann J.

"The universe has a way of bringing people into our lives when we need them the most which is just the case in my relationship with Sarah Fast.

At 35 years old I had chosen to change careers and it had thrown me for a loop to say the least. I was discovering a new part of myself which was both exhilarating and terrifying. Change is hard and sometimes we need people to help calm the chaos, people who can help us see who we truly are and the power we hold within ourselves.

Thank you Sarah for being a huge part of that. You have given me tools to help me lead myself and the encouragement to pursue my chosen path.

For anyone needing guidance and help in personal growth, don't be afraid to invest in yourself. You are more than worth it."

Hannah H.

Sarah is an intriguing young woman. She is brutally honest with her past and leads by example. However, by far I found her ability to connect with you one on one, to figure out and delve deeper to make you think, feel, succeed, fail, yes fail, and allow you to realign (teach yourself) and start over is uncanny. I found out stuff about myself I didn't know and revisited memories I pushed back for many years...and a light came on that explained some blocks I face . I have more to go... but I have achieved a beginning of inner peace again in small steps. I highly recommend her one on one calls!
Holly J.

Working with Sarah has been so awesome! I have taken tons of programs from various coaches & high profile folks - but I truly resonate with Sarah & her approach. She is so honest & I can relate to what she is saying & experiencing. She touches my soul & speaks to my heart & that is what coaching is truly about. I admire her courage & honesty on a daily basis.
Margaret A.

Working with Sarah really helped me "out of my comfort zone". I chatted with Sarah about her coaching and decided to sign up. Within two weeks, I was in a more confident, secure, and in an exciting place. I applied for a new position, got an offer, and doubled my salary. Sarah helped me to release inner blockages and beliefs that I was using to hold myself back. I was able to see the self-sabotage and the lack of confidence I felt and was able to shift into a better me. I encourage everyone to talk with Sarah, to see what she has to offer and most importantly, see how you can spread your wings and soar. Sarah is wonderful to work with, she’s very thoughtful, calming, and knowledgeable. Working with her was powerful and I would recommend her to anyone who is looking to grow.

Melissa S.

Sarah Fast

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